donderdag 29 december 2011

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FTW!! (12.26.11 - Day 381)

AWKWARD VLOGGITY IS AWKWARD!! (12.25.11 - Day 380)

donderdag 8 december 2011

Dutch Blog

I had a discussion with a christian at Occupy Amersfoort and i asked him to go watch ZeitGeist and come back to me through email.
He did which gave me major respect for the guy cause he kept his word. The email is dutch but i DO wanna share it with you all.
If you're not dutch and you don't understand this blog PLEASE send me a comment telling me you want the translated version and ill go translated.

Beste vriend,

Naar aanleiding van ons gesprek in het park over jouw beweegredenen om met de Occupy/beweging mee te doen, stuur ik jou deze email. Ik heb de hele film bekeken en het is een interessante theorie maar naar mijn mening een halve waarheid. Het Venusproject lijkt op de leer van Marx met de technologie als nieuw aspect. Geen misverstand, ook ik ben tegen het monetaire stelsel, ja tegen het hele aardse corrupte systeem dus ook de pers, politiek enz. Jezus Christus heeft ons bekendgemaakt dat boven dit aards systeem, geleid door enkele rijken, een geestelijke macht (Satan) aan het werk is, die mensen haat: de mensenmoordenaar en de leugenaar vanaf het begin. Dit systeem is op aarde door deze mensenmoordenaar naar zijn aard opgebouwd. Dit systeem is echter voor ons mensen een te groot bolwerk om te slechten.
Gelukkig zal het op een bestemde tijd door God zelf worden vernietigd en Satan worden gebonden. Dan zal er een rechtvaardige Koning (Jezus Christus) gaan regeren over de mensen. In de Bijbel kunnen wij de voorspellingen lezen. Vele door de profeten voorzegde toekomstvoorspellingen zijn al uitgekomen, maar er zijn nog vele veranderingen die nog plaats zullen vinden op aarde (en in de hemel). Lees Mattheus 24 bijvoorbeeld of het boek Openbaringen, de laatste hoofdstukken. Er zal uiteindelijk zelfs een geheel nieuwe hemel en een nieuwe aarde komen, waar gerechtigheid woont. God zal alle tranen afwissen en er zal geen onrechtvaardigheid (of corruptie), moord, dood meer zijn, geen ziekte en geen rouw.

Enkele punten van kritiek zijn;
De menselijke natuur zou volgens de film aangeleerd gedrag zijn en in principe niet slecht. De bijbel zegt echter dat de mens zelf slecht (zondig) gedrag heeft, bv. roddel, liegen, overspel, machtsmisbruik enz. en de schepping is vervloekt door ongehoorzaamheid aan God de Schepper dit blijkt o.a. uit aardbevingen, ziekte enz. ook worden wij geconfronteerd met oorlogen, staatsgrepen, milieurampen vanwege het falen van de mens in het goed beheren van de schepping. Maar bovenal zien wij de mens falen om het één en ander zelf te corrigeren/ veranderen zonder God als Schepper en onderhouder te willen erkennen. De radicale oplossing die de bijbel geeft is dat de mensen kunnen veranderen door de werking van de Heilige Geest in ons (gevierd op Pinksteren). Dit gebeurt in ons leven als wij aanvaarden dat Jezus Christus (als een daad van liefde) voor ons mensen gestorven is aan het kruis. Hij heeft door deze marteling vrijwillig te ondergaan de weg voor ons mensen vrijgemaakt om bij God te komen. Hij heeft door het offer van Zijn leven onze schuld voldaan, de straf gedragen die wij hebben verdiend. Wanneer wij onze schuld aan God belijden over al onze fouten zal Hij onze zonden vergeven en verdwijnt de duisternis uit ons leven en wordt het licht om ons heen. Jezus sprak: ik ben het licht van de wereld wie mij volgt, zal nimmer in de duisternis wandelen maar hij zal het Licht des levens hebben (zie Johannes 8:12). Hier wordt niet gesproken over een religie bestaande uit het volgen van regels maar over een relatie met God door de inwoning van de Heilige Geest in ons mensen.
Er wordt in de film getoond dat de opstanding een na-aperij is uit eerdere verhalen, en er wordt uit 1 Corinthiërs 15 een tekst aangehaald waarin de apostel Paulus zegt dat “als er geen opstanding is, dan heeft het geloof geen betekenis en zijn onze zonden niet vergeven”, maar in vers 20 zegt de Apostel “Maar zo is het gelukkig niet, Christus is weer levend gemaakt als eerste van velen ”. Ook zegt de Apostel in vers 31 “Ik sta elke dag oog in oog met de dood” (door vervolging tijdens het toenmalige corrupte Romeinse keizerrijk). Het is geen goedkoop evangelie. Het kostte veel. Alle Apostelen, op de Apostel Johannes na, zijn de marteldood gestorven. Zouden zij dit gedaan hebben als ze wisten dat de opstanding, ja het hele evangelie (=goed nieuws) een leugen zou zijn?? In vers 5 van 1 Cor 15 staat dat naast de Apostelen, vele mensen Christus hebben gezien na zijn dood aan het kruis. Voor een rechter geldt het getuigenis van twee getuigen al als bewijs tijdens een rechtszaak. Een betrouwbaar getuigenis zou ik zeggen.
Religie geeft een ongrijpbare emotionele troost zegt de film. Religie met zijn regels om goedkeuring van God te verdienen geeft weinig troost, omdat wij altijd tekort schieten, maar een relatie met God door het offer van Christus is vrijheid, omdat wij een voorspraak hebben voor de verkeerde dingen die wij doen door het offer van Christus bij God. Mijn ervaring is dat dit veel troost en hulp geeft nu hier tijdens het leven op aarde maar ook bij het sterven. Zonder geloof in Christus zegt de bijbel kom je niet bij God maar leef je gescheiden van God in het hiernamaals.
Voor jou heb ik ook nog deze mooie tekst gevonden / Jezus zegt van zichzelf .... Ik ben de Weg, De Waarheid en het Leven, niemand komt tot de Vader dan door Mij / evangelie van Johannes hfdst 14 vs 6. Hopelijk heb ik meer duidelijkheid gegeven over de gedachtengang van mij als volgeling van Jezus.

maandag 14 november 2011

Occupy Movement

Dear blog readers, if you've followed my vlogs on youtube lately you'll have come to the understanding that i'm a very proud and active member of Occupy Amersfoort which is our local Occupy chapter of the big event called Occupy.
Thanks to Occupy i have a very open and new life but that also means i'm spending way less time behind the computer so i'm thinking of a way to fix all this.
1 way for example is me carrying a small notebook with me and writing down what all happenes so i can blog about that, would you guys like that or do you prefer another option which obviously you guys can give me.

My sincere apologies for my absense and this short blog but i felt like i've kept y'all in the dark for far to long.

As always i thank you very much for reading, please don't forget to help me share these vlogs with the world and most importantly, to reply so i know what you guys think of my blogs.

- Straps

maandag 31 oktober 2011


Makeup Tutorial - Daily Routine

Hello there my dear blog readers!!

My super big apology for NOT posting anything lately but as you might watch my daily vlogs you might understand that i'm a very proud activist for 1 over the over 25 adapted occupy wallstreet chapters here in the dutch city of Amersfoort so im not behind my pc 24/7 anymore BUT i told them everything about my work online and they agreed on letting me film there and such so i can post that online and i will do so as much as possibly possible if that sounds logic :P
For now i'm just very proud to present that i've made my 1st EVER makeup tutorial video, NO i did notput make-up on myself but i recorded my best friend Lucy (LucyComeOut on youtube) while she was doing her makeup, i recrded the products and without any help or inside info on the actuall products i tried making a video and this is the end result, i hope you like it.
if you do please leave a comment, thumb it up and make sure to share it with all your friends, family and online social media sites. thanks so much!


maandag 24 oktober 2011

Occupy Wall-Street: Amersfoort chapter.


Hello my dear blog readers!
Today i tried participating in the "Occupy Wall-Street" demonstrations and they finally came to Amersfoort (city in the province Utrecht where i live) i felt really bad i couldn't do anything to help these protests simply cause my wallet didn't allow it but since it is in Amersfoort it wouldn't be a problem since i live there. Better yet, it is seriously only 5 on the bike away from home so i had the chance to actually go and i'm totally thinking of going back tomorrow/wednesday or some other day, i just need to be more prepared cause it was freakin' cold!
I have a lot of respect for the people who do this cause some of them actually also sleep there and it's like October so it's not at all warm, not even during the day. I was there till like 6 P.M. and in the end i was totally starting to freeze off my balls hihi.
It was totally awesome, no one was looking for a fight, everyone took it very serious and they keep the place VERY clean, i couldn't spot any trash, well at least not outside of the trash bin hihi.
Tomorrow or wednesday i'm totally gonna try to film way more, many people actually also asked for my YouTube channel and my business card which made me happy, more locals to see my videos.

I also had dinner there, was very awesome, everything they serve is vegetarian/vegan to make sure that EVERYONE who wants to eat there can actually stay there and doesn't have to leave. Random strangers who liked the protests even sponsor them now with food.
The cold weather is not at all a match for the amazing atmosphere going on, everyone is friendly, no questions are stupid and they don't try to convert you.
Many of them actually even knew ZeitGeist and are Anti-Illuminati and anti mass production and such so i'm totally excited i was there and totally looking forward to going back, just don't know when.

As always, i thank you so much for reading my blog, i'm a daily vlogger and i just like writing but i'm not to good at is so super thanks for your time!

Please don't forget to leave a comment if you feel like that and help spread these blogs so more people will actually read them.
Would actually be totally awesome if the people i met today would read this hihi.

Bye Bye
- Straps

Hair Styles

Hello my dear blog readers!

About two or three days ago i saw a video on YouTube (no shit sherlock, i'm always on YouTube lol) and i fell in love with this haircut which opened up a question in my brain.
I don't understand why girls (females over-all, age doesn't really matter) can pull off any kinda clothing style or hair style and it's considered fashionable but when a guy does something different it might only be considered fashionable when he actually works in fashion which i don't, i don't even had a class (ever) considering fashion but yeah i have seen this haircut and like the old tale of the curse on Medusa that you'll turn into stone after you've look directly into her eyes and such, this haircut is burned into my brain and i'm like obsessing over it so i wanted to share it with you guys and maybe give some suggestions on likewise haircuts or colors. The haircut i'm talking about is this one displayed right here!
Please don't think i'm joking cause i LOVE this haircut, maybe a different color but i love this color so i actually might, but what do you guys think?
And why is it socially accepted if girls do whatever they please (fashion-wise) and when men do that you can wave your job goodbye or wave your chances for a job goodbye.

As always thanks so much for reading my blog, i hope you will take a second to leave me a comment and ill see you in my next blog!

Bye Bye
- Straps

If you feel like it please leave me links for haircut ideas, you never know if you win me over <3

zondag 23 oktober 2011

Personal Subjects!

Hello my dear blog readers!

I know it has been a while since i've posted a blog but i prefer blogging about something real every now and then over blogging about bullsh*t every single day, i wanna do the best i can writing entertaining stuff that's gonna make you think, laugh etc.
That is the reason why i haven't been blogging lately, there is something on my mind though but to me personally it's a very sensitive subject. 1 or 2 people i know in real life might know about this but that's it and they know me and respect me but they don't even udnerstand this subject o i really need to use the right words for this before i start writing.
Eventually you'll know about this but personally, writing about this is more nerve wrecking thenm coming out of the closet to my best friends and my family and even though i had a good feeling about that (which fortunately for me was also the end result) it felt like going through hell (though hell seems like a nice place now, my apartment is freezing cold, could use some heat) but eventually not needed.
You can ask everyone i know in my personal life and they will ALL (within seconds) agree that i'm the worst person in the universe sometimes telling something with the right words...AKA...while all is meant well, i use the wrong words to explain something and all hell will break loose. What is with me and hell today, it's not THAT cold up here...
what also plays a big part (coming back to the main subject of this blog...which ironically is blogging itself) is that i write what i think, it's LITERALLY the same way as in movies or tv series where you have those scenes in which a certain actor/actress narrates him/herself, making you feel like you literally hear them thinking out loud. THAT is my main inspiration for blogging online since i'm terrible with pen and paper...i mean i can write stuff down but i'm terribly slow and trust me, when i write something down, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic are considered easy to learn how to read languages.
I have many thought in my head but i only have like 3 or 4 followers and YES that includes me, i know i suck, i need self support to feel good LOL.

Anyways, i feel like I've once again succeeded in what i also do in real life. Starting a conversation about a topic that seems totally BS now and to be honest i even forgot what i was talking about.

I just wanted to let my 3 readers (hihi not mocking you three just having some fun) know that i DID NOT stop blogging.
If anyone who reads this is interested in my opinion on a certain topic, PLEASE feel free to leave a comment and i ALWAYS look into it, you just might not always like my opinion/answer, why did i just use a slash why the words "answer & Opinion are the least in this context.

As always i thank you very much for reading my blog, please leave a comment, share this blog with your friends and family and i will talk to all of you later (hopefully tomorrow or the day after)

Bye Bye
- Straps

woensdag 19 oktober 2011

I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street.

In case you've missed this video, here it is once more, i'm proud to help sharing this video and i'm proud to have 1687 views already and 42 likes though it's a VERY big shame that these kinda videos need to be out there, PLS help me spread this video and wake people up, it's never to late to start fighting for your rights as a human being!!
i uploaded this video because last saturday oct 15th ther ewere word wide protests for this but i did NOT have the money to travel to such a protest, i COULDN'T just sit there and watch, i NEEDED to do something, this is the least i could do.
THANKS FOR YOUR TIME and hopefully you'll eiother help me spread this video or leave a comment or both, either way thank for your time.
If you think this is a load of bullsh*t i'm very sorry but I"M NOT MOVING!!

- Straps

WARCRAFT FAIL!! (YTO 308) 10.18.11

vrijdag 14 oktober 2011

Music And Memories!

Hello there my awesome blog readers!

I was taking a shower ( YES I SHOWER STFU XD ) this morning and since no one else was home i left open my apartment door to blast some awesome music which i'd be able to hear in the shower then.
To maintain the privacy of certain people i won't call band names or the names of the people BUT before i came out of the closet almost 2 years ago i still dated girls, and especially with 2 girls i got introduced to a certain band which were super awesome, the 1st band i can give, it's Cradle Of Filth.
Way back in the day i dated this girl who was totally obsessed with COF and listened to it whenever she had the chance and when her BFF came over they usually switched to The Murderdolls.
During our period of dating we had loads of fun but i had to travel about 40 Kilometers/12.4 miles from my home to hers and another 40KM/12.4 miles back, and i didn't care cause i love cycling, i love listening to music while cycling and back then i don't know if youtube even existed let alone people vlogged with a digital camera, so i didn't have to make sure my camera got wet and my MP#-player was water proof.
Anyways, she had a more f*cked up school life then me so as long as she didn't had to go to school she prefered staying inside which i kinda could understand but that did mean that she NEVER came over to my place.
One day when i came over and we had a small celebratino since we were dating for 6 months, i gave her a present and we kinda made out ( sorry if TMI ) and then she said, i'm really sorry i didn't get you a gift but i DO have to tell you something, i'm sorry to say but i think i'm a lesbian and i'd like to break up with you. Ofcourse i was heart broken and thought of the fact that i was one frozen chuck of human being and i just had amillion reasons not to stay there anymore so i also had to drive the entire way back, she said she didn't wanna break up over the phone which is pretty cool cause it's f*cking weak i think but as of that moment i didn't care anymore and i'd appreciated if she did it over the phone but oh well i've had my daily excersize (sorry for my spelling but that is the least of the problems in this story, can't remember the spelling ATM)
so i went home and at home i just listened to some music while playing my (at that time) fave PC game GTA3 and when i heard The Murderdolls i didn't like them anymore, all they did was remind me of her and some people say that that means you're not over a person but trust me in this, when it comes to music and events i have a super strong memory so still now a day i can't listen to COD or The Murderdolls unless it's a song i didn't know back then. the last girlfriend i had was into a band as well which i won't give for her privacy and i still kinda know her and some of her friends are my friends as well. Nothing at all against her trust me but i wanna avoid people knowing who it is or giving her trouble.
Anyways, she listened/listens to certain bands and same story here, i just can't listen to to bands without think about that period of my life.
Another example is Slipknot Slipknot album, during that period of time when i started listening i was in high school and seriously when i hear stories of bullied teens who committed suicide or tried committing suicide i wonder what pulled me through cause those stories were nothing compared to mine, of course everyone's story is troublesome but you get my point right?
Anyways, due to the period of time in which i listened to Slipknot i sometimes even taste the nasty summer dryness from the swamp i had to travel through to go to school every day and i got my *ss kicked multiple times ANd i even got threatened to get killed a couple of times so those memories stay with you forever when i listen to those songs/artists and such.

Now my question to you guys is.
Do you feel the same about this or do you have a complete different perspective on this?

As always, i'm very thankful for your time, please don't forget to leave a comment and also leave your suggestions on what i can improve about my blogs or maybe what you want me to write about.

Ok, see you later guys!
Bye Bye

- Straps

I totally forgot to hit the "Publish Post" so this blog is being posted 3PM (holland time) but was written at 9AM already.
Gosh i'm such an idiot sometimes, hihi!
- xoxo


donderdag 13 oktober 2011

Storung - Are You Gonna Sigh

Avenged Sevenfold break-Up

Hey guys!

so this morning i was reading some band updates and in the end i always look up news about my favorite band EVER, Avenged Sevenfold.
I've been hearing rumors that they play a lot of new tracks live, including "Not Ready To Die" which is their latest track and is kind of a special track to a call of duty game or something.

anyways, i kept reading and reading and all of a sudden i stumbled upon tour dates which ended in December so i thought YAY, new album writing maybe?
NO, they are finishing up uproar tour and then they are going on a 7 to 8 month break and vocalist Shadows even stated "If we feel like writing, we write, if we don't feel like writing, we dont"

MY GOODNESS, does this mean there is an actuall chance that Avenged Sevenfold (the greatest music creation in the history of mankind...according to me) is NOT gonna continue??

if this happens, my world will fall apart!
I mean i've seen them live once, but the ticket sale went so incredibly fast that my BFF didn't even had the chance to buy a ticket and i had to go alone.

for the second time since i've met Avenged Sevenfold i'm f*cking nervous they are gonna quit.
I'd, ofcourse, be devastated BUT i do realize that they haven given me SO MUCH JOY in the last 5 years.

November 22nd marks my 5 year die hard avenged sevenfold fan anniversary XD.

now i have a question for you!
Did you ever witness one of your favorite band/group break-ups?
if yes: who were they, why did they break up andhow did you deal with it?
if no: who is your favorite artist/band/group and since when are you a fan?

i'd LOVE to read all your comments down below!

Thank again, for reading my blog, means a lot to me since vlogging is my actual thing but i'm starting to enjoy this more and more so please don't forget to comment, share, like, follow!

i will hopefully see you in my next blog!

- Straps

woensdag 12 oktober 2011

National Coming Out Day!

Yesterday it was National Coming Out Day, a day i never even knew excisted untill my best friend send me a text saying it was.
i browsed on the internet and incidentally stumbled upon a video by youtuber Tyler Oakley, funny, i already subscribed to him, just didn't find his video in my subbox.
I checked out his video and apparently he made the video only 1 hour before i watched it which made me very happy cause he started a challenge.
He asked for everyone who was watching to make a video response telling their story and they didn't need to be LGBT at all. He just wants you to be proud of who you are and acknowledge that.

I talked about coming out a bit in my own vlog and i made a video response to Tyler, you can watch the vlog right here, there are annotations so if you can't see them, make sure to watch it on youtube itself cause there is an annotation to the video i made for Tyler!

Short blog is short i know but i just wanted to post an update!

Thank you for reading my blog, please don't forget to leave a comment and i hope to see you next time!

- Straps XoXoXo

My Own Website!

Good morning my lovely blog readers!

This morning i'm fully back to blogging, and this time i'm keeping my promise, i promose, LOL!
I thought the best way for me to interact with people around the world was going online to youtube every single day answering the comments but on twitter i have totally different followers, i'm gonna try building my own website i think.
A friend of mine (anonymous) promised me to build a site multiple times already but either he's not even online to help OR he's not responding to i think i'm gonna take matters into my own hands.
Years ago i kinda learned how to work around HTML, maybe it's worth a shot and i become good at webdesign, the cool thing about HTML is that there aren't much boundaries.
Als long as there is a code for something, you can build it, you just need to know HOW to write those codes but i guess we can look all of that up right?
So, inspired by LeanderTV on youtube (go check him out, he's an AMAZING guy and rather cute but he's already in a relationship (dang it hihi) so i won't bother him with that kinda bullsh*t.
I really just want 1 website of my own that i can easily manage and have control over, the website is gonna have apps and such for like twitter, facebook, youtube. It's gonna have a chat room, picture gallery and ofcourse a blogpost page.
It just seems so sufficient to have everything in one website, and it looks professional!

What do you think, shall i go for it? and i need a website name but i guess we an save that till the launching day wich will be in about a million years?

Before i leave you all (3 people who read this i guess :P ) underneath there are 2 videos, in case you're either interested or you missed it or both XD.

The 1st video is from last Sunday, Oct 9.
I went to Amsterdam with my BFFs Yvon, Lucy and PixelFetish to go meet 3 of our youtube idols: Philip DeFranco, Matthew and Lindsay.
It was a complete blast and i know half an hour is long but i don't wanna spoil anything, all i can say is that there are some cool surprises in the video so feel free to watch it.

This 2nd video is the day after and even though it's not such a special video compared to the 1st video, it's my 1st EVER part partnership monetized video which means there are ads on it with which i can start making money and i'm super proud of this!

if you REALLY like the videos please check them on youtube itself so you can leave a comment thumb it up, share it and maybe even click of favorite, wow, that would be awesome!

As always, i really appreciate you're time for readig and this time maybe even watching!
Please feel free to leave me a message and if you like my blogs and you wanna be the 1st to know when my next blog is uploaded, follow/subscribe please and help spread the love

- Straps

dinsdag 4 oktober 2011

People Need Threats?!

Hello my awesome blog readers!

I just received an email from school, FINALLY!
i've been sending them several emails over the last couple of weeks, almost stalkerwise.
for the people not know what's going on.

In the beginning of September i submitted myself to the CIS media school in holland amsterdam.
together with about 15 (or so) others i was picked out for a "in-take" day on September 2, in which they explain stuff about the education you're about to follow and we had to do some tests.
At the end of the day we got told that we'd be called and hear if we're accepted yes or no.
They told us they were going to do the best they would to inform us that same day but since we're a "large group" they couldn't assure we'd all be called that day.
Being the person i am i expected the worst and i thought i'm gonna be the last called person and i'm gonna hear a no so i basically waited for nothing.
They needed to keep our portfolio (i've been working on that thing for months) so later that day they (the teachers) could gather and discuss our cases.
I was super bummed about it cause i ALWAYS have my portfolio with me since i might have inspiration out of nowhere and i wanna start writing.

ONLY TODAY (OCT 4) i received an email from them saying my portfolio will "soon" be send back to me and according to their administrative personal they totally called me.

the weird thing is, and this might be a coincidence BUT they didn't show ANY sign of life till now, in my last email i threatened to involve the autorities or Theft of art (dont ask me, just came up in my head) and corruption and NOW they react, well at least i finally GOT an answer but still..

ANYWAYS thats what i wanted to get of my mind, TTYL XOXO

- Straps

Don't forget to leave a comment and if you like my blogs enough please subscribe/follow idea what it's called XD

I'm Clean!

Good morning dear blog readings. (3 people if i'm right hihi) I hope your day started out as cool or better then mine, i woke up to an additional 9 new subscribers on StrapsChronicles.
I really wonder where they all came from all of a sudden, right now i'm actually on 709 subs.
I never even thought i'd make it to the 500 subs within 3 years and now all of a sudden within the 1st year of daily vlogging i'm on 709 f*cking subs, i'm super great full for this.
Now let's hope my viewership, comments and thumbs up+sharing goes up so i stand an actual chance on the YouTube Partnership which i've been dreaming of ever since i started YouTube which is about 3 almost 4 years ago.

Yesterday evening i started editing my yesterdays vlog already and i uploaded it around 1AM when everyone was asleep so i didn't bother anyone, i just answered all the comments i got so far and gave those 9 addition subs a shout-out so i'm ALL CLEAN NOW.
There is NOTHING i can do anymore besides hoping on new subs, comments and just filming today's vlog, which is also kinda exiting, today i'm getting 2 visitors, 1 of them has a special twist to him/herself and i'll totally be vlogging it XD

for now i guess this is it, i started thinking how i could manage this account but i think i'm just gonna do this "Gossip Girl" / "Harriet and the Blog Wars" kinda style.
As in basically just updates and news and i talk a bit more about those subjects, obviously i'm open to ALL suggestions to what i should talk about.

SOMEONE has to explain to me how this "labeling" works, is it the same as tags on YouTube? if so i'll just copy them so then at least i'll have some labels hihi.

Ok, i'm off, let's go clean the rat cage and the rest of my room, it's 11:33 AM now and my visitors will be here around 2 so i'll have more then enough time to clean everything here while i'm gonna catch up on a sh*tload of YouTube videos

BTW, if you read this, i need a cool catch phrase to end my blogs, any ideas?

Thanks for reading, don't forget to leaev a comment, follow me if you're not yet following me and i'll see you in the next blog!

- Straps

maandag 3 oktober 2011

Blogging Fail

So much for promising to start writing EVERY day last week right?

Hi guys, thanks once again for reading my blog, i'm REALLY sorry that i didn't di anything anymore since my last blog "Gay Issues" but the problem is simple.
I chose ths SUPEr fabulous webpage lay-out but it didn't allow me to go back to my settings anymore so i simple couldn't start writing a new blog!

Right now i'm all back and i'm all up-to-date with my vlogs on YouTube so if i keep it like this i can totally start blogging EVERY single day. i'm gonna try my best to at least post 1 blog a day and hopefully possibly maybe ill do more ^^

For now i'm afraid this is it, it's 12:40 AM and i wanna be up early tomorrow so i can start uploading my latest (monday oct 3) vlog. i finished editing that vlog 9:30 already.

Wel i wish you all a great morning, afternoon, evening, night.
Wherever you are in the world!

Please don't forget to leave me a message and if you'd like, please start following me so you'll be the 1st to know when something is online!!

Thanks for reading!
- Straps

donderdag 29 september 2011

Gay Issues

What i really don't seem to get about the entire "gay" thing is that it's a thing which is ridiculous.
People are lawyers, police men, security guards, film directors, whatever. That does NOT divine who you are, you are still you.
Muslims are blamed world wide for anti christian actions, NOT every Muslim is bad and the ones who are really BAD are NOT by definition bad cause they are Muslims but they are bad cause they might be criminals or whatever.
It's so interesting to see that 1 bad Muslim portraits the ENTIRE friggen Islamic society WHILE a bad christian only seems to portray himself.
That all being said as an example, why are gay people divined by their sexuality? i'm gay, but i'm NOT that gay guy, i'm Straps, a daily vlogger from The Netherlands who just happens to BE gay.
just like Social Security Numbers, i'm NOT a friggen number, i'm a f*cking person, an existing living being like all others still breathing.
Also, WHY would you "curse" and ban people who are gay, even f*cking vote against their marriage, we're not even allowed to marry ANYWHERE in the world, just some parts.
i started watching some people who are married and i must apologies to all hetero sexual christians w2ho are married and who ARE against gay rights and gay couple who wanna get married, i totally understand your concerns now. i've seen how damaged you are EVERY day, it's like Harry Potter destroying hoaxrucses (pardon my spellign if that word was spelled wrong) and Voldemort get's a little bit weaker and eventually is mortal again for the final battle with Harry.
Everytime a gay couple get's married you should pay attention to ALL married christian
couples, they are in the BIGGEST pain ever.
SARCASM MUCH!?!?! how the f*ck does is affect others if a gay couple get's married?!?! i really picture this conversation with a friend of mine and sorry if it's TMI.

Friend: Hey dude, seriously, next time you masturbate can you either do it before 11 PM or after 8 AM, it gave me such a headache, you're the only 1 in my gaydar range so luckely i only pick up your vibes
Me: sorry dude, i didn't do anything!
(day later)
Friend: Holy crap dude, last night i had the biggest migraine, it was so intense at one point that i blacked out due to the pain.
Me: oh wow, yeah sorry, Yesterday me and my boyfriend made love for the 1st time.

See how ridiculous this is? i don't understand people saying they are negativily affected by gay people, you won't even recognise ALL of them so how can you be affected by it.

Last thing before i stop this depression blog.
"DADT" for the people unfamiliar with this term Don't Ask Don't Tell is a policy in which LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual transgender ) keep their sexuality to themself (aka in the closet kinda)
and no one asks about it.
In several businesses you get fired if they find out you're LGBT but my biggest concern is what i heard a couple of months ago on the radio.
some kinda high ranked officer in the army got a medal of honor for figuring out a colleague was gay. the gay dude got a diss honorable diss charge. how did that a**hole figure out he's gay? he asked it. WAIT WHAT?!?! wasn't the policy dont ASK dont TELL? what happened to the don't ask part??

anyways this is all i'm gonna bother you with right now.

Thanks so much for reading, please leave a comment with your thoughts on this subject or just ask me random stuff and i might blog about that next time
- Straps

woensdag 28 september 2011

Caught up!!

Hello guys, sorry that i'm leaving you hanging just like this but i'm only writing in my real journal.
I am totally going to rewrite them all on my computer and post them here cause that kinda what i REALLY bought the journal for, to not forget anything crucual, but since i'm almost a week behind on daily vlogs, it's not even on my mind to start the blogs again but i promise they will be here ASAP!
Last saturday i celebrated my 24th birthday which resulted in a lot of footage but my editing software does NOT allow my footage to just BE there, oh no, it's Straps his footage and everything connected to Straps much be dramatized and difficult, so basically i have to convert every single clip that i shoot.
Not really a problem, it's just that every 10 seconds worth of footage takes about 30 seconds of converting...get my point?

Anyways, my biggest apologies for being gone so long BUT i haz returned and will do my super best to post at least ONE blog a day and if i have somethnig interesting to talk about i'll just do another one.

Thanks for reading, please don't forget to leave a comment and follow me if you like and i'll see you next time!
- Straps

zaterdag 10 september 2011

Things And Stuff And Words

I've been absent for a day or 2 but things happened and i'm writing in my diary full-time now so i just have to re-write it and post it online and i obviously also vlogged.
i just wanted to give you all a quick upload cause believe it or not, i'm actually very busy hihi!

Thx for reading and don't forget to leave a comment

- Straps

woensdag 7 september 2011

Fashion Obsession!

I was at the grocery store about 30 minutes ago and i had a break through, a major breakthrough actually!
i was standing in line and usually people only wait behind me in line if they REALLY need to be out of there A.S.A.P.
If they can spare an extra moment, people usually avoid me cause i apparently scare them with my looks.
I'm not your average 23 year old gay guy buying my beer and wine but COME ON already, i'm not some freak who casts spells on you if you touch me, you don't turn into stone if you accidentally look me in the eyes ( LOL fact, a kid, this was way back in the day, walk up to me and asked me if i was related to Medusa and had to wear sunglasses all the time to not instantly turn people into stone) but for some reason people like to avoid me.
Tonight was different, a fabulous looking redhead was walking up to me and waited in line behind me, i couldn't believe my eyes!
1. I'm obsessed with fashion
2. I'm with red ( natural ) hair and freckles
So this was pretty much a win win situation, those are the moments you are mad at the store cause you're not aloud to film inside so you can't record her just for the epic memory.
All and all it was a good trip and it almost seemed as if they saved all the fashionable costumers for me to check out but i'm the worst person to explain details so i won't even start trying cause that will be a fail.

Thank you for reading my blog, please leave a message and if you wanna be the first to know more stuff, subscribe!

- Straps

dinsdag 6 september 2011

Pray The Gay Away!


I can't believe my ears, there seriously is something called Pray The Gay Away!
WHY, WHY, WHY do people have SUCH a big problem with people who are gay?
i'm so disgusted with people hating gays cause its a shame to god.
1. Not everyone is religious
2. you say gay is a choice. You really think so many people would choice the most difficult life possible out of free will?
3. Religion is a feeling, NO ONE has prove that god exists
4. what (pardon my language) FUCKING business is it of yours that i rather marry a man and make love to him then to a woman?

You're disgusted about the thought of me having sex with a man, that means you think of me and my boyfriend/husband which is funny.

There are SO MANY feelings surfacing to me when it comes down to this subject.
Fortunately for me i have very loving friends who all accept me and don't give a fuck about my sexuality, hell, it's even better cause sometimes girls ask me for fashion tips, watch chick flicks, go have a glass of wine or go shopping and cheking on boys...Sounds like paradise to me.

I don't spend hours a day think of how much vomit i'd produce watching hetero sex, for the record i'm NOT disgusted by that at all cause it's two people making love to each other which is a beautiful happening, but what freaking business is it of yours to come control our lifes?
so i marry a guy, how many days in your life do i bring you personal pain and noxiousness?
you think you're a homophobe cause my private parts goes into someones private part other then the female private part? i'm enjoying the fact that you spend so much time troubling yourself over something you shouldn't give a fucking shit about!

btw, it's not a "lifestyle" cause you choose your own lifestyle.
i'm proud of the person i am and i'm proud to be gay and be openly gay but i NEVER chose this.

thanks for reading, don't forget to leave a comment and rate this blog
- Straps

I Can't Believe This!

It hasn't even been 2 hours since my last blog but i HAD to blog about this.
what is u with Americans and their fascination with Dutch stuff: Amsterdam most known for it's prostitution (not proud about that at all since there are still prostitutes over there are forces, a breeding ground for STD's, probably abused and i don't even wanna know their paychecks) next to that we're famous for our weed (yay for getting stoned?!?! no not really) and our windmills.
When i heard that, i totally lost it. I'm almost 24 now (Sept 25th) and ONLY last friday have i seen my first ever real life windmill.

Of course there are the kinda mills that are used to create electricity and THOSE i LOVE since in The Netherlands there is mostly bad weather (not complaining, just saying) so we have a lot of wind so weather wise we can produce a lot of natural energy but next to that The Netherlands is nothing special.

The story about the fascination of Holland ( 2nd name of The Netherlands...don't ask why cause i don't know) did give me an idea for a new topic on YouTube. The Dutch Sentence Of The Week
in which i'll put a Dutch sentence in the description and people post video responses trying to pronounce it and i'll feature those and then you'll (as a viewer) will be able to pick the winner. To me this sounds like something pretty original so why not try it right?

Thanks a lot for reading, please feel free to leave me a comment and if you wanna see more of me, you can go to which is my daily vlog channel

- Straps

It's Been a While!

Good afternoon bloggers, this morning i thought i'd take the courage to make a channel and only now i find out that i already have one.
I haven't posted ANYTHING at all since like March 1st so this is my new attempt.
Since i'm all into YouTube and never really know how to explain my feelings in writing i think i'm just gonna start and see what happens.

So, Yvon (my BFF, soul-mate and foster mom) and i went to Action which is a store in The Netherlands, maybe it's in other countries as well but not as far as i know.
Action is comparable to the 1 dollar store i think, everything is super cheap there andthey opened up a new facility that's like REALLY close to our home so we thought we could go and check it out.

I bought 2 purple journals, only 75 cents each, in one of them i'm gonna write down things i wanna blog when i'm not behind a computer and in the 2nd journal i wanna hand write my new story.
When i was on the train last Friday from my school intake interview to my parents place to visit, i all of a sudden got a great inspiration for a story and as quickly as ai could i grabbed pen and paper, little did i know it was my last piece on (lined) paper, i can't write on paper without lines.
today i finally finished the piece of paper and couldn't write a word on it anymore so i thought i'd go buy a journal to write it in, which gave me a great idea.
I NEVER think thought an entire story before writing, i think of a beginning and i think of an end (not always though like right now) and i just start writing and make things up and see where it ends.
Now that i'm going to be writing it all down with a real pen, it's gonna be one heck of a challenge to NOT make to many typo's but that's EXACTLY why i wanna do this, improvisation in real life.
Every typo i make while writing this blog (hope it's interesting enough though, no experience here) i can erase with the backspace key and re-type the word. In a real journal, when you f*ck up you're simply f*cked so i'm REALLY REALLY exited for this new experience.

I hope that who ever reads these blogs leaves a comment, i don't care what you type in it. It could be a reply to what i wrote here or just a question but if you completed this blog i congratulate you, you're officially in my head now and this is exactly how i talk to my self in my head, only afterwards i forget about it and while i write this i start thinking of other stuff so i have no idea how the future is gonna be, i mean blogging wise.

If my dad reads this, take care of mom dude, you're EPIC and i know you can handle it, i'm very happy you told me the news even though the news wasn't good at all.

As of this moment it's 3:55 P.M. and i'm gonna stop blogging, updating my story so that everything that i had written down on the small piece of paper that i had in my bag that day, can safely be thrown away and then i'm going to enjoy some nice YouTube and tonight is all for WoW (World of Warcraft).

Like i said, i don't know what i'll be blogging about or how often, i just know that i just realized that this feels like a great outlet and on twitter you only have 120 hits if i'm not mistaken.

Thanks for reading and see you next time
- Straps

It's a wonder if you found me without knowing me through Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook or DailyBooth so come check me out if you feel like it. I feel like writing is my weakest point of all things i like


dinsdag 1 maart 2011

A New Beginning!

hey there!

a couple of weeks ago i tried starting to blog but it was to much because i was super behind on my own vlogs on youtube so its march 1st 2011 and im finally clean of work so i am gonig to use this to start blogging and see if it fits me all!

tonight before i go to bed ill post my 1st real blog, if you are interested in what i do on youtube you can watch my 1st (new) vlog. i say new in ( ) signs cause its only the 22st vlog of my new channel but that you can all read in my profile.
if you have any interests in following me around, i'm on twitter, dailybooth, youtube (2 channels and soon maybe 3 or even 4) and ofcourse facebook...

well enjoy this 1st vlog and later today ill post my 1st ever online blog